Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Speculating commons/uncommons

by Tony Guo

I am always happy to pm and respond to comments and even make videos if you guys have something you want to discuss.  Recently I received a few PMs requesting me to go into more detail about a video where I said you could be very successful speculating commons and uncommons.  

I made a video and watched it.  It was too similar to the video I already posted and there was not enough math.  For math’s sake, a written article is much better. 

Let’s take a look at two uncommon I speculated heavy in. 

Intangible Virtue:

I brought in at .50 and now they are 1.50.  That is a 200% increase. 

Lingering Souls:

I brought in at 1.50 and now they are 2.50.  That is a 66% increase.

Elvish Spirit Guide (old school)

I brought in at 1.00 and now they are 5.00.  That is a 400% increase. 

Now let’s look at some commons

Lava Spike:

Brought in at .50 and now they are 2.00.  That is a 300% increase.

Black Cat:

Brought in at .10 and now they are .10… No increase.

Lightning Bolt:

Brought in at .50 and now they are 1.00.  That is a 100% increase.

Faithless Looting

Brought in at .25 and now they are .75.  That is a 200% increase.

Sounds good right…

I also have many copies of cards that I may never use again and that did not rise in price at all.

When speculating commons and uncommons pick something you can live with a lot of.  That is my philosophy.  If the card becomes unmovable will I still be okay holding onto that many copies?

Now onto what you are waiting for, my picks.

If you can get these cheap I would


The Charm Cycle


Tormented Souls

Innistrad Block:

Desperate Ravings

Tracker’s Instincts

Faithless Looting

Lingering Souls

Intangible Virtue

Scars Block:

The cycle of 2 life Cards (like gut shot)

Galvanic Blast

Zendikar Block:

Steppe Lynx

Plated Geopede

Burst Lightning

Shards Block:

Bloodbraid Elf


There are many more.  You can always ask in the comments or PM. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be good to know the time frame of when you bought the cards vs. when their prices spiked. Just so we know how much time we should expect to hold onto a card before we can have it make money for us.
