Monday, February 25, 2013

Trade Manners

This is a trading card game.  Collecting and trading is part of the game.  But a lot of people are rude, sharks, and overall act inappropriately.
Smile.  And be friendly.  

If there is a pricing difference, do not demean that person.  You can say “that’s a little much,” but don’t laugh or treat the person like crap because they said a price you don’t agree with.  Many traders will try to make the person seem dumb and a shark.  I do not agree with this.  If you don’t like the price then either move on or subtly suggest that they should check their phones.  Being mean over a trade isn’t worth it.  

Always remember that you are playing this game to have fun.  

Interfering with a trade is considered rude.   If two people are trading, jumping in and offering a better deal to one of the traders is rude.   Wait and be patient.
The exception to the above rule is Live as a shark, die as a shark.  I do not condone sharking, although I’m on record saying I have sharked.  I will jump in if prices are skewed over 50%.  Sometimes less, but it depends on what is being traded.  If it becomes apparent to me that one of the traders doesn’t understand prices I will let that player know they can use my smart phone to make sure the deal is fair. 

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