Monday, December 31, 2012

Where this blog is heading

by Speculating Kitten

I promised you a magic article.  This is sort of a magic article.  I want to give my readers (all two of you), an idea of where this blog is heading.  I started this blog to help the average collector build up a trade binder.  My goal was to stray away from teaching you how to shark.  As I made more and more blog posts I found something interesting, what I was really good was sharking.  

Weird, I know, but please follow me.  By giving advice on how not to get sharked and what to look for, I was in a strange way teaching people how to shark.  One could easily take the advice as a column on how to shark.  Because of this, I strayed away from the true reason I started blogging, how to make the most of your collection.  I hate sharks, because I was one.  I know all the various tricks of the trade because that was my bread and butter.  My distaste for sharking left me unwilling to help my readers understand the value of their collections. 

In this aspect, I did not trust my readers to take my "lessons" and not flip them around and engaging in sharking.  That was my fault.  The content has been lack luster because I held back a lot.  Not because I thought you would think less of me... I mean who besides Helios actually reads this?  But because I didn't want to teach anyone how to shark.  

I was wrong.  And in the future I will trust you guys.  The content will be much better, because it will be about something I have a good understanding of, the art of the shark.  



  1. You should definitely have more than a couple of readers. Do you use your Google Analytics information provided in the Blogspot platform? You can see how many visitors you get.

    To get a few more readers I would suggest linking this blog with your Youtube channel (where I originally discovered you) and back and forth.

    I would also do just a little bit linkbuilding. Are you a member of any forums or message boards on Magic and related hobbies? You could put a link in your signature to this blog and you'll already see more visitors directly from that.

    If you build a few more links you'll start getting search traffic from people searching for specific cards you talk about and specific techniques.

    Best of luck to you. I know you write almost exclusively of modern cards (I love vintage) this blog is still a great read and very entertaining.

    1. Thanks Scott. I'm glad you are still following. I am actually in the works making a new website with one of my subs. It will be called

      kitty meaning gold and kittens. :)

      I try to delve into what I understand. To be frank, vintage is sort of something I don't get. I tried it out, but as a format it sort of needs some help.

      In Houston, Vintage isn't played a whole lot... I only know one person. Modern seems to be on trend. Hence, most of my focus.

      Your other suggestions are valid. And I will try my best moving this project forward. At times, like today... super sick, it has been difficult. But in the end I think of it as my mtg diary. And as long as I am happy, I'll keep writing. :)

  2. Tony,

    Just found this blog today... good stuff. I find it funny though because I started with your most recent articles where as you've embraced the inner Shark that you are - and then I read this one and you realize that is not the lesson you wanted to teach.

    It's interested to see you evolve in reverse :)

    Anyway, I want you to know that you have a new follower in me - and I can respect a business minded MTG player. So no offense intended by this post.

    I have my robodragon (that what I call my shiny binder) packed up - with no more than a playset of each - and I am ready to do work at tonight DMaze prerelease.

    I'll let you know how it goes.
