Thursday, February 7, 2013

Guide to Trading on Youtube

Please feel free to adopt/change/modify/add/copy/use/etc this guide.  

Checking Bad Trader Alerts

Before trading with a user make sure to check whether the user has done any trades before.  You can do this easily by typing the user's account in the youtube search. 

Example: Typing in ultirarestatus into the youtube search indicates that many people have had problems with him. 

If you notice a bad trader/scammer alert address this with the person.  Be a smart trader and ask the tough questions.  Also PM the person who posted the alert for further information.

Posting Bad Trader Alerts 

Currently Bad Traders are only posted when a trader is "out" cards.  It is my opinion that whenever anything suspicious happens a video should be made.  A forum like conversation can happen on the comments of the video.  Should the conversation result in logical explanations the bad trader alert should be taken down.  When posting a bad trader alert it is important to post the address of the trader, as the trader could just open a new youtube account.

Trading with a person with an unresolved Bad Trader Alert

You should never trade with a person who has an unresolved issue or a pending issue.  These traders are not safe.  If they scammed once, they are likely going to do it again. 

Example: Ultirarestatus did multiple trades while he still had unresolved issues.  It is not surprising that these people later did not receive cards. 


This is the one deterrent to scammers.  Please post mail fraud videos.  It is important for our community to recognize the importance of filing.  Mail fraud is available and has been filed successfully for many incidents involving magic cards.  Just because it is "Magic cards" does not mean that it is not a serious crime.  We work very hard for our cards and they are essentially cash. 

Please use this link (MOTL) to learn more:

Gunslinga does a better job than I explaining it. 


A deal is ONLY confirmed when addresses are exchanged.  If you do not have someone's address then you do not have a confirmed deal.  

Packages should be sent 3 days after a deal is confirmed unless otherwise expressed.  

DO NOT trade cards you do not CURRENTLY own.  You must physically have the card in your possession at the time addresses are exchanged.  

Lost mail falls on the SENDER unless the sender has DC or tracking to prove that the mail was received.  

Damaged mail falls on the SENDER.  It is the duty of the sender to make sure the mail gets there as described. 

If the condition of cards are not expressly stated, it is ASSUMED all cards will be at least EX.  Lesser conditions must be expressly stated. 

You must wait 2 weeks after either the sending date or 2 weeks and 3 days after confirmation before posting a video. This is to allow for mail to travel.  Sometimes mail is slow. 


If you have any questions you can PM me at newlawstudent on  youtube.  Please feel free to modify the above as you wish.  

Safe tradings.  

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