Monday, February 25, 2013

Socially Weird

I made a video saying the community should engage socially awkward players and I got a few pms about tips on how to join a magic community if you are shy or new.  

First off, there is nothing wrong about feeling out of place when you go to a new store.  Most likely, there will be a core set of locals who know each other.  And while it seems like that everyone knows everyone else this is not the case.  There always new players in the store.

Register for FNM even if you don’t feel like you are ready.  Playing is the first step to joining a community.  We all start off 0-4.  Sometimes I finish FNM still 0-4.  There is nothing wrong with losing.  For more experience players if you find yourself 0-3 against a new player just be nice and let them win.  It doesn’t cost you anything and means everything to the new player. 

Talk with your opponent.  Most magic players are social when it comes to magic… outside of magic is another issue.  Ask for advice or tell your opponent you are new.  This will open up the conversation.  All it takes is one regular to think you are a cool guy/gal before you feel accepted into the community.  Also ask the magic store owner or the Tournament Organizer for help on decks and advice.  They are extremely nice. 

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