Friday, March 8, 2013

Shark Evolution: Creating Hype and Restricting Supply

I will train you how to become a true shark.  A nasty shark. 

For some reason having a lot of a card makes people want to devalue the card.

I never carry more than a playset in my binder.  I make it appear that I only have a playset allowing me to put pressure on the person to trade for it now. 

If you knew how many I actually had, you would think my cards were less expensive and attempt to lowball me.  Its only human nature. 

Presentation is very important.  I store my extras for large events in an extras box. I take out my extras when I run low.

If I filled up my binder with all my repeat cards, it would decrease the value because there are so many.  People will attempt to lowball me just because they know I have more.  The rationale is that I must have gotten my cards for cheap since I have so many. 

It also takes time.  I want to trade with as many people as possible.  Not have one person admire my 50 lol trolls or 40 shamans.  The more time it takes for someone to go through the binder the less time you have to trade with other people.

The  key is to have a playset of a card but no more in your binder.  This will create the impression that you are the player to go to, but the person should get the playset now before it is too late. 

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