Friday, March 8, 2013

Shark Evolution: The Most Vicious Shark

Remember you have to maximize profit.  Greed is your friend. 

Take a look at the room.  Seek out weaker players.  Go around and collect the absolute values.  The absolutes are people who know what they want.  Try to find those people who are ready to trade.  These are the best type of buyers/traders.

If a person doesn’t come close to your value, then don’t talk to them.  If it is a good card there is no reason to give a deal.  No pity.  If everyone wants the card, why do you have to give someone a deal?  It doesn’t make sense. 

If a person says that they are not looking for something, do not trade with that person.  It is likely you will get a good deal. 

Also if a person is showing off your collection to their friends, its time to get out of there.  Time is money.  I had this happen all the time.  You are not a museum you are a shark.  Act like one. 

Show people your binder only if you see something in their binder that you want.  Establish pricing for the item before you give them your binder.  This is a nasty trick because you can always change the value of your cards.  Your trade partner psychologically gives you more respect when you are pricing your own cards.

Remember you are a shark, you are ethically challenged. 

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