Monday, December 31, 2012

A New's Resolution

by Speculating Kitten

This was the first New Years in five years where I spent it outside New York City.  It feels weird.  I can't explain it, but it cements my desire to go back to the city.  Getting texts from friends at 11:00 until 11:30... is no fun (there is a one hour time difference in Houston).  I don't know what it is, but not being in the city makes me sad.  

I made amazing friends in Houston.  I have an incredible playgroup and found a store I absolutely love.  Outside of TCGs, I will likely be admitted to the New York Bar January (I have to fly in for an interview and then the ceremony; really looking forward to getting to visit New York again).   

And try as I might, this article will not have any magic in it at all (I'll write a new magic article later tonight; I promise).  I would like to talk about my New Years Resolutions.  I have two.  

First, is to expand my employment skill setWhile I like my current job and I am good at it (super amazing at quickbooks), I want more than just an ordinary accounting job with a side of legal.  I want to move to a place where I know no-one, and have a completely new adventure.  I had such an opportunity before, but because of family and friends I decided to stay in Houston.  I regret that decision, but now I am ready to go someplace completely out there.  Mid-west?  California?  New York City?  I don't know, but I want an adventure, and a new city would certainly qualify as one.  

Second I am ready to start dating again.  My ex-finance left me jaded... she left me on Valentine days the semester I graduated law school and had to study for the bar exam.  On top of that we were engaged for almost 3 years at that point and had planned out a future.  We even had a shared bank account (which was a pain to cancel FYI).  Anyways enough mumbling, long story short, I've been somewhat of a recluse.  I don't even use FB that often.  So time to get back up and start fresh.  Also FB me guys!!!  

Those are my two new years resolutions.  Hopefully I can keep these two better than my last two which was to get married... and give up diet coke/pepsi..... yeah... about that (I'm drinking a diet pepsi now).  

Anyways, happy New Years guys.   

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