Thursday, December 6, 2012

Quick story about investing

By Xemit
So my locals has become a turmoil of hellfire lately because of one shop owner’s antics.
Essentially, what happened was that he somehow through some means acquired fake power. He tried to sell them to me and others who walked through the shop, but could not sell them. We asked for them to be verified as legitimate power, but he said after we bought them we could. Because of the economic condition of the area that the shop is located in is not the best, nobody bought the power and he sold them to a shop in a more white- collar part of St. Louis. 
The shop owner there had them graded and was told they were fake. He immediately called up the shop owner that had sold them to him and demanded his money back. The first shop owner replied with the fact that the shop owner who had bought it could still sell it to the unsuspecting buyer. 
The shop owner made the first shop owner buy them back under threats of calling Wizards and revoking their product agreement. Now, the shop owner who originally acquired the power is holding a tournament where the winner gets fake power. Not a lot of people knew about this until a couple weeks ago, when rumors were leaking out. Now, people are boycotting the first shop owners store, which is hurting some dealers that cannot afford to travel to any other shops. 
I am stuck in the middle, as I am hurt that the first shop owner did not get them validated and it hurt his reputation, but there are some fine dealers there that possess cards you normally only see at high tournament events. The moral of the story is that before buying power, make the right investment and pay the $30 upfront fee to make sure the power is real. I hope to  keep you all updated on this situation as it progresses, and I hear more from both sides on who’s fault it is.

1 comment:

  1. Man I ask so many questions... But I couldn't help but notice the card to the bottom right is a Portal card right? Is this part of like a second tier of Power Nine cards?

    As a child I had so many Portal cards. They were easily available at my local K-Mart. I was buying starters and boosters just about every week. They seemed awesome to me, without much knowledge in strategy. They were simple cards that were often cheap mana to play and were ridiculously one-sided as far as quality is concerned. However no one played with them or allowed other to play with them at my local tournaments and gatherings.

    Now I am noticing a lot of these are on eBay and going for ridiculous prices, both singles and sealed boosters/starters. What's the deal? Are these cards finally being excepted as awesome? I regret letting so many of these go years ago when no one wanted them.
